Tuesday, May 31, 2011

SPM 1119/1 Directed Writing - A Report about a Fire in the School Science Laboratory

Format (F) - 3 marks
Content (C) - 12 marks
Language (L) - 15 marks

To: The Principal,
SMK(P) Methodist,
Jalan Tengkera,
75200 Melaka. (F1)

Explosion in the Chemistry Laboratory (F2)

Last Friday, which was the 13th of May 2011 (C12), my friend, Lucinda and I, saw a suspicious man run out of the chemistry laboratory while we were waiting for our parents to pick us up after school. The strange man was dark-skinned, possibly Indian, had black curly hair and was wearing untidy clothes which had patches on them. His hair was unkempt and messy and he had fashioned a beard (C1).

Right after he had run out of the laboratory, there was an explosion in the lab. There were no teachers around at that moment and it seemed as if my friend and I were the only witnesses to the incident. So we headed towards the lab to investigate the explosion.

When we reached the laboratory, we discovered that a terrible fire was raging inside it. We were horrified. Realising that the chemicals in the lab were probably flammable, we decided to attempt to put out the fire (C3). Lucinda grabbed the nearest fire extinguisher and we hurried into the lab (C2) before the fire caused more damage. Suddenly, more explosions occured behind us (C4). We truned around, only to be greeted by a devastating sight. The explosions had caused the flames to spread near the door. We were trapped (C5) and there was no way out.

Lucinda and I frantically looked around for another escape route. We noticed the windows but they were narrow and had metal bars across the window-frames (C6) which barred them and ultimately, we could not get out that way. We were about to search for an alternative exit, but the fumes and smoke were overwhelming and we started to choke (C7). We had no other choice, so we ran to windows and broke the glass panels (C8). Then, we screamed (C9) at the top of our lungs for help. People heard our cries and gathered outside the laboratory (C10). Somebody called the fire brigade and thankfully, the fire fighters arrived in just a few short minutes. My friend and I were mercifully rescued (C11) and were extremely grateful to everyone who helped us.

Not long after, the fire fighters put out the dreadful fire and everyone was filled with relief. However, I can bet that nobody was as relieved as Lucinda and I.

Written by:
Michelle Soon (F3)
Form 4K5
SMK(P) Methodist,

SPM 1119/1 Continuous Writing - Grandparents

My grandparents are the seniors in my family. Even in their old age, they command respect from the rest of my family. After all, they deserve it.

My grandmother may be old and wrinkled, but she is still a feisty lioness who rules the household. She prepares our daily meals, so that we do not through the day in hunger. She grows her own vegetables so that we can have our own organic home-grown greens on the dinner table. She looked after us, the grandchildren, when our parents were busy with work and came home late. She was the one who took me to the playground, bought me candy every now and then, taught me nursery rhymes and supplied me with a lifetime's supply of story books. Though sometimes I cannot deny that her tongue is sharp and ready to lash out with her criticism, I realise that it is for our own good for she wants us to learn how to do things the right way, especially when it comes to household chores.

My grandfather, even though he is a quiet and pleasant old man, certainly is not lacking behind that feisty grandmother of mine. Once a brave soldier, now a loving grandfather, he used to serve in the army where he faced all kinds of hardships. And yet, a man who is so tough and fierce as he, can be loving and kind to the rest of his family. I suppose he must have mellowed over the years. I still remember those happy times I shared with my grandfather. He would always buy my siblings and me toys, he would settle our arguments and he never failed to share his chocolate with us whenever he bought some to satisfy that sweet tooth of his. It fills me with happiness and joy to recall those sweet, sweet moments. Even as he gets older, he is still strong and remembers to spend time with us. My sister, my youngest sibling, is easily the most attached person to him. I can still recall, the moments my sister would cry for our grandfather instead of our mother!

Grandparents make a family whole. That special bond that they share with their grandchildren is very precious. They are the ones who assist parents in their time of need. They provide us with love and affection during the times our parents cannot do so. Some day, our parents will become grandparents and we most probably will too. Just remember all the good times we had with our grandparents and relive them with our grandchildren in the future. I think I can safely say that they, our grandchildren, would certainly want a happy childhood too. Cherish your grandparents. Even if they sometimes make mistakes, remember all that they have done for us. The road to old age is not eaxctly a bed of roses either. It is up to us, the younger generation, to love, care and be understanding towards them., our grandparents After all, they were the ones who showered us with love and attention and made our childhood memories so much brighter and memorable.

Michelle Soon (4K5 2011, MGSS Melaka)